Leah has had some new "firsts" lately... We took her to her first movie theatre show the other weekend to see Disney's Tangled. She LOVED it. "Punzel" is one her favorite princesses now, and she often wants to watch the trailer online. She also had her first hot chocolate, and that went over big as well. She continues to make us laugh by saying funny things. Tonight I said, "Okay Leah time to get ready for bed." She said, "Lemme check my email first mama. I gotta check my email." What?!
Greetings friends, Thanks to all your prayers and support over these last months, my job search is finally over. It ended where it began, in the principal's office at Marian High School, a Catholic high school in Mishawaka, IN, about 5 minutes from our house. I will be teaching 11th and 12th grade English-- 4 sections of honors Junior composition, and 1 Senior world literature course. Both Nicole and I are very excited about this opportunity, as we will now be on the same schedules with breaks and will, of course, have the summers off to travel and visit all of you, our family and friends. I am observing the teacher who is resigning over the next week, and I will begin on my own Monday, November 3, just in time for Nikki to go into labor, necessitating my finding a sub for a week or so?! Oh well, what can you do? Thanks again to all of you who have prayed earnestly that this challenging time would pass. We are truly blessed by all of you.