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A Christmas Break to Remember

Alas, our Christmas break has thus far not been what we dreamed of.  Here's a run down of our past couple days:

Wednesday, December 16th, I came down with a nasty little virus and missed two days of work.  It was a little annoying to have to use a few of my precious sick days so close to break, but what are ya gonna do?  So I slept, and drank tea, and slept, and as I was getting all mentally prepared to go back on Friday and see my sugar-high sixth graders...

Leah got her first stomach bug Thursday night.  

It was awful.  I took her to get a few vaccinations that afternoon, and right after getting the shots she got sick.  All over the two of us.  (I should mention, that if you're reading this while, say, eating dinner, you might want to come back to it later...)  The nurse said she had seen it happen before, it was probably just because she took in too much air crying after getting poked. 

However, she disproved this hopeful hypothesis later that evening.  The poor little girl got sick a lot, and each time she would look at us like, "Hey, what the heck is going on here? This is not fun!"  Of course, she was her happy self in between bouts of nausea, playing peek-a-boo, throw-the-stuff-out-of-the-drawer, and waddle-around-after-the-dog.  The most adorable part of the whole event was that every time she saw Ryan cleaning up after her, she would look down and go, "Uh-oh!" with her round little mouth uh-oh face. One time she even looked at me and said, "uh-oh!" in between heaves over the sink!  She just loves the word uh-oh these days, and finding new ways to apply the word.

Our sickly adventure continued the next day.  Leah recovered, while I caught her stomach bug. Of course.  It was not pretty.  Ryan slept in the basement.

Saturday, we were convinced that we were all on the mend.  But, we were fooled.  Because despite Ryan's confidence in his ability to never, ever, ever get sick, he got sick.  The stomach bug caught him.  But that would be all, right?  Now that everyone had passed it around?


Because Sunday, we woke up to find that Leah and I had contracted pink eye!  Eeew!  So we got to spend the morning at the clinic getting antibiotics for that fun little ailment.  By this time, even the dog was avoiding us.  We decided nicknames were in order.  So Leah is now the Puking Princess of Pink Eye.  I am the Coughing Queen of Conjunctivitis.  And Ryan is the Dismal Duke of Diarrhea.   (I told you not to keep reading if you were eating...)  We couldn't think of any good alliteration to go with "K" for "King."  Suggestions?

The good news is,  Leah is doing much much better, and Ryan is doing much better.  And I may or may not be developing a sinus infection!  But really, sometimes in a strange way its the yuckiest of days that remind us that we are blessed.  My mom is here to do our laundry and take care of us, we are lucky to have this time off anyway, and by the time we go back to school we should be immune to every germ in Northern Indiana.

I am off to make my family more chicken noodle soup and dole out more oragel.  (Did I mention Leah has cut two new teeth in the past few days, too?!)  We hope you are all staying healthy and happy yourselves!


Jenny said…
Poor Dainty's! I'm so sorry you have contracted every disease I can think of. I hope your break shapes up... maybe by Christmas you'll all feel better! A Christmas miracle!
hannah joy said…
Oh wow! Sorry to hear about all of that! Get better for Christmas! Love to you all!
Anonymous said…
Just think your break can only improve! Here's to a blessed Christmas and a happy and HEALTHY 2010! Love you all.

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