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Happy Birthday Lucy Dog!

Today Lucy turned 2 years old! (So that makes her a teenager in dog years I guess.) We celebrated with a new rope toy and a piece of hotdog. The pictures are from when we first got Lucy in June of '07. She was just a 10 pound little creature - so cute! I chose the picture of Ryan wearing his MSU shorts on purpose. I'm hoping he'll wear them this weekend when the Spartan basketball team plays U Conn, though I don't think it's probable.

It was also an exciting day today because it was April Fool's day. Being an elementary school teacher on April Fool's day is a frightening experience. All day I was checking my chair for tacks and my back for sticky notes. At one point in the day when I had to step into the school office, I came back to my find my students attempting to tape the door shut. Unfortunately for them, the door opens into the hallway so all I had to do was step under the tape. Sneaky buggers.

Perhaps my favorite part of the day was when all the teachers played a prank on the students. After lunch we all went to a different class - I got to go to second grade, and pretend like I thought they were my students. The seven year olds were outraged. "But Mrs. Dainty! Who is with your sixth grade class right now?! You can't leave them alone!" I told them that the sixth grade teacher was with her class, like always, and that right now I needed my second graders to sit down so we could read a story. This left them a bit perplexed. Finally one especially spunky child says, "I know what's gong on! It's a fool! They're playing a fool on us!" Later, when I was asking the kids about the story we read, I called a child by his name and a girl in the back whispers, "She must really be our teacher - she knows our names!!!" (There are only about 140 kids at our school. I know almost all of them!)

Happy April Fool's Day, and happy birthday to our pup.


hannah joy said…
I love it! They must have been so disappointed when you just pulled the door open and stepped under the tape. My kiddos tried to get me too by handing me an empty pack of gum. I totally remember doing that when I was in school.

Also, your daughter is absolutely beautiful.

Also, I hope I get to see you this summer and meet beautiful Leah.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Lucy!!

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