Today Lucy turned 2 years old! (So that makes her a teenager in dog years I guess.) We celebrated with a new rope toy and a piece of hotdog. The pictures are from when we first got Lucy in June of '07. She was just a 10 pound little creature - so cute! I chose the picture of Ryan wearing his MSU shorts on purpose. I'm hoping he'll wear them this weekend when the Spartan basketball team plays U Conn, though I don't think it's probable.
It was also an exciting day today because it was April Fool's day. Being an elementary school teacher on April Fool's day is a frightening experience. All day I was checking my chair for tacks and my back for sticky notes. At one point in the day when I had to step into the school office, I came back to my find my students attempting to tape the door shut. Unfortunately for them, the door opens into the hallway so all I had to do was step under the tape. Sneaky buggers.
Perhaps my favorite part of the day was when all the teachers played a prank on the students. After lunch we all went to a different class - I got to go to second grade, and pretend like I thought they were my students. The seven year olds were outraged. "But Mrs. Dainty! Who is with your sixth grade class right now?! You can't leave them alone!" I told them that the sixth grade teacher was with her class, like always, and that right now I needed my second graders to sit down so we could read a story. This left them a bit perplexed. Finally one especially spunky child says, "I know what's gong on! It's a fool! They're playing a fool on us!" Later, when I was asking the kids about the story we read, I called a child by his name and a girl in the back whispers, "She must really be our teacher - she knows our names!!!" (There are only about 140 kids at our school. I know almost all of them!)
Happy April Fool's Day, and happy birthday to our pup.
Also, your daughter is absolutely beautiful.
Also, I hope I get to see you this summer and meet beautiful Leah.