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Showing posts from February, 2014

Catching Up

We are enjoying our winter, despite the ridiculous amount of snow that lines our driveway!  It has truly been a crazy winter; we've had some six or seven snow days already.  We laugh that we have a fenced in yard, because the snow is so high Lucy could easily just hop right over the fence and be on her merry way.  But I think she appreciates having a warm house and hopefully has no plans of running off anytime soon!  Ryan is gearing up for baseball season to begin in a few weeks.  He is currently teaching Hamlet among other things, which means we are hearing a lot of Shakespeare quotes at home... :)  He has also been cooking lots of delicious meals lately and teaching himself all kinds of fancy kitchen tricks!   Leah continues to enjoy pre-school - she is learning so much!  Just today in the car she taught me all about various species of penguins, explained to me that "Q" and "U" are best friends, and is learning about the items we see on t...